Idea House Resource Guide 2005
New houses full of our best ideas.

SL-1130 - Parkview
SL-1131 - Kinsley Place
SL-1132 - Emerson Hill
Idea House Resource Guide 2004
New houses full of our best ideas.

SL-074 - Brookfield
SL-075 - Salado View
SL-076 - West Bay Landing
Creating the New Southern Home
Written by noted architect John Tee, AIA, this guide takes the mystery out of home design and construction. Organized as a visual checklist of the key design decisions, it will help you narrow the endless choices, organize your favorites, and get you off to a good start with the design-build team.

Whether you're building a new home or renovating an existing one, informed communication is the key to a successful project. By understanding the key design options and the basics of homebuilding you'll be more effective with your architect, contractor, designers and suppliers.

Approx. 150 pages. Available as a downloadable PDF.

Printing/shipping fees apply if a printed copy is requested; call for details.
House Plan Buyer's Guide
Designer Larry Garnett has been designing homes for clients for more than 25 years. During that time, he's learned that successful design has very little to do with square footage.

In this book, Garnett walks you through the design process to present realistic approaches to the challenges you face when choosing a home plan. He takes a look at exterior elements and provides solutions for designing kitchens, dining areas, foyers, master suites, resource centers and family entries by analyzing traffic patterns and privacy needs.

64 pages. Includes guide on modifying stock home plans. Available as a downloadable PDF.

Printing/shipping fees apply if a printed copy is requested; call for details.